Speakers | Program Committee | About the Jericho

String diagrams are a powerful tool for reasoning about processes and composition, which are becoming increasingly applied in the formal study of digital circuits, control theory, concurrency, quantum and classical computation, natural language processes, and more. This workshop aims to bring together researchers applying string diagrams in a variety of fields to collaborate and share new insights, tools, and techniques.


The program for STRING is now on the FSCD website. To view it, click here and check the box labelled "HDRA/String".

Important dates

Submission of abstracts

Prospective speakers are invited to submit a title and short abstract via the Easychair page.

We warmly welcome all types of contributions, ranging from rough works-in-progress to talks about mature work published elsewhere.

Invited Speakers and Tutorials

Programme Comittee

About the Jericho

The event will be hosted at the historical Jericho Tavern in the heart of Oxford, in the very same room where Radiohead and, more notably, The Quantum Dagger Orchestra, played their first gigs:

So, our venue has a long history of doing great things with strings. It is located here: